Corner Modules - Outside and inside corners must be designed to fit within the 4' grid. Minimum radius for the inside track on an outside corner is 35.5”. There must be at least 2.5” separation between tracks at the apex of the corner. A minimum of four outside corners will be held by the PPD to insure setup availability. (check with the current module chairman about the need for additional corner modules.) Module Height - The top of the rail at the module ends should be a nominal 40” above the floor. The module height must be adjustable plus or minus 1” from this dimension. Use long carriage bolts or threaded feet with T-nuts or threaded inserts in the bottom of the legs. Hardware should be ¼” or larger. Mainline Tracks - HO standard gauge track using code 100 nickel silver. (Flex track suggested.) Cork roadbed or equivalent must extend from end to end of each module set. Each module set must include three 9” sectional tracks to connect to the adjacent module. Put your name on them. The tracks must be parallel with 2” center spacing at each end of the module set. Routing may vary within the module. Internal module set interfaces are at the discretion of the builder who is responsible for assembly at a setup. Mainline Grades - Mainlines must enter and exit module sets at 0 elevation. Elevation changes are discouraged, but may be accepted after discussion with module chairman. Mainline Turnouts - #6 turnouts are desired for all mainlines, however #4 will be accepted as necessary. (#6 turnouts accommodate larger locomotives and long passenger cars) Mainline Ballast The old Woodland Scenics Gray B-82 or current light gray color in medium or fine texture. Other tracks, siding or yards at builder's discretion. Track Overhead Clearance - Allow a minimum of 3.5” clearance over the track for tall freight cars, double-stacks or auto racks. Inter-module Bus Cables should be 12 gauge stranded wire between the Cinch 6-pin connectors. Track feeder wires should be a minimum of 22 gauge solid wire and soldered to each rail. (Larger gauge feeders up to 16 gauge encouraged) Feeder wires should connect to the bus wires via screw terminals to facilitate troubleshooting and revision. Feeder wires must be located on each side of a turnout frog to insure track power. Insure frogs are isolated or power routing (use insulated rail joiners as necessary.). DO NOT depend on rail joiners or turnout points to provide power to any section of track. (See following diagrams.) “C” Clamps - Each module set must include at least one 4” C- clamp to secure the module to the adjacent module. Two clamps are desired. Put your name on them. Module Ends - Module ends must be finished. No white plaster or bare wood may show. Scenery may not extend beyond the end of the module. Not all terrain profiles will match. Mismatched ends should not detract from the general appearance of the setup.
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